Hearing Tests
Online Hearing Test
At Hear4good we realise that people lead busy lives . We have partnered with Sonova to provide you with a wonderful online hearing test that can be done in your time. It is not a replacement for a full assessment but a valuable resource for your own peace of mind.
The results from the online test will give you an indication of a problem and will hopefully motivate you to seek the direct assistance of one of our experienced local clinicians.
Hearing loss creeps up on you, we would encourage you to share the online test with your family and friends. Hearing better means living better.
Traditional Hearing Tests
At Hear4Good our very experienced clinicians will perform a very accurate assessment of not only your hearing level, but your ability understand speech as well.
The hearing test includes a comprehensive history of all factors that could affect your hearing. We examine the physical structure of your ear canal and eardrum. A test of your middle ear function called Tympanometry will be performed. Air and bone conduction testing is then performed, that is followed by speech discrimination testing which will give an indication of how successful a hearing aid fitting may be.
We then look at your actual hearing needs, is it the television, is it the grandkids, the wife talking in the car, the raffle results at the RSL, perhaps the checkout girl at the supermarket or maybe the ladies at the Bowls club. We listen to you because you know what you want to hear better.
All the information is collated, and a recommendation made for a personalised hearing solution.
The state of the art, purpose-built hearing clinic is equipped with the latest in testing technology, and more importantly the clinicians you deal with are local and very experienced.